Organic Gardening Tips

How to get rid of fungus gnats

How to get rid of those annoying flying bugs in...

Nicki Mckay

Do you have a problem with little flies hovering around your indoor plants or even your kitchen compost caddy? Often people refer to these little monsters as fruit flies, but...

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How to get rid of those annoying flying bugs in...

Nicki Mckay

Do you have a problem with little flies hovering around your indoor plants or even your kitchen compost caddy? Often people refer to these little monsters as fruit flies, but...

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Can you compost Dog and Cat Poo

Can you compost dog and cat poo?

Nicki Mckay

I often get asked whether cat or dog poo can be placed in the compost bin. The short answer is yes. With a big fat caveat. You don’t want it...

Can you compost dog and cat poo?

Nicki Mckay

I often get asked whether cat or dog poo can be placed in the compost bin. The short answer is yes. With a big fat caveat. You don’t want it...

Tips for growing onions in the subtropics

Tips for growing onions in the subtropics

Nicki Mckay

Growing your own home grown onions will teach you patience. It can be challenging to grow them here in the subtropics, which is a double whammy when they are quite...

Tips for growing onions in the subtropics

Nicki Mckay

Growing your own home grown onions will teach you patience. It can be challenging to grow them here in the subtropics, which is a double whammy when they are quite...

Tips for creating an organic vegan garden

Tips for creating an organic vegan garden

Nicki Mckay

Are you vegan but struggle to find solutions that aren't animal based for your vegan garden? Listen to the podcast For a very long time I was super confused as...

Tips for creating an organic vegan garden

Nicki Mckay

Are you vegan but struggle to find solutions that aren't animal based for your vegan garden? Listen to the podcast For a very long time I was super confused as...

Veggie Patch Jobs April

What to do in the Veggie Patch in April

Nicki Mckay

It's not until late April that we actually feel like things start to cool down and it actually starts to feel like Autumn. Sweet Potato Harvest We always wait for...

What to do in the Veggie Patch in April

Nicki Mckay

It's not until late April that we actually feel like things start to cool down and it actually starts to feel like Autumn. Sweet Potato Harvest We always wait for...

Tips for growing perfect Carrots

Tips for Growing Perfect Carrots

Nicki Mckay

Carrots can be one of those tricky crops to grow, which can be frustrating considering they are dirt cheap in the supermarket. However, nothing beats a home grown carrot, especially...

Tips for Growing Perfect Carrots

Nicki Mckay

Carrots can be one of those tricky crops to grow, which can be frustrating considering they are dirt cheap in the supermarket. However, nothing beats a home grown carrot, especially...

How we practice companion planting

How we practice companion planting

Nicki Mckay

The idea of companion planting is a broad term used to describe a method of grouping plants together for mutual benefits, whether it is for pest preventing or growth. And...

How we practice companion planting

Nicki Mckay

The idea of companion planting is a broad term used to describe a method of grouping plants together for mutual benefits, whether it is for pest preventing or growth. And...

Best Composting Worm Farm Setups

Choosing the right composting worm farm setup

Nicki Mckay

Whenever anyone asks me where they should start when it comes to composting I always say get a composting worm farm. Composting using worms would have to be the most...

Choosing the right composting worm farm setup

Nicki Mckay

Whenever anyone asks me where they should start when it comes to composting I always say get a composting worm farm. Composting using worms would have to be the most...

Growing Cauliflower South East Queensland

Growing Cauliflower in the Subtropics

Nicki Mckay

Cauliflower is one of my favourite vegetables to eat and grow. The cauliflower growing season is very short in the Subtropics so having a successful crop of cauliflower hinges on...

Growing Cauliflower in the Subtropics

Nicki Mckay

Cauliflower is one of my favourite vegetables to eat and grow. The cauliflower growing season is very short in the Subtropics so having a successful crop of cauliflower hinges on...

What to do in the Veggie Patch in March

What to do in the Veggie Patch in March

Nicki Mckay

Although it is the start of Autumn it rarely starts to cool down until Mid-Late autumn here in the subtropics. Often if you go early on some of your cool...

What to do in the Veggie Patch in March

Nicki Mckay

Although it is the start of Autumn it rarely starts to cool down until Mid-Late autumn here in the subtropics. Often if you go early on some of your cool...

How to make compost at home

How to make compost at home

Nicki Mckay

Compost is one of the key ingredients to the success of growing food and there is nothing like home grown compost. If you grow your own food, knowing how to...

How to make compost at home

Nicki Mckay

Compost is one of the key ingredients to the success of growing food and there is nothing like home grown compost. If you grow your own food, knowing how to...

Should you thin your beetroot seedlings

Do you need to thin beetroot seedlings?

Nicki Mckay

I’ve always been one to thin my vegetable seedlings, beetroot included. I have found over the years that plants do better if they're not competing with resources (sun, water, nutrients)....

Do you need to thin beetroot seedlings?

Nicki Mckay

I’ve always been one to thin my vegetable seedlings, beetroot included. I have found over the years that plants do better if they're not competing with resources (sun, water, nutrients)....

Best Soil for the veggie patch

The best soil to fill a veggie patch

Nicki Mckay

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know I am a big advocate of no dig beds as the ideal soil setup. We do the majority of our...

The best soil to fill a veggie patch

Nicki Mckay

If you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know I am a big advocate of no dig beds as the ideal soil setup. We do the majority of our...

Growing your Own Microgreens

How to grow your own microgreens

Nicki Mckay

If you want an endless supply of greens the simplest thing to do is grow micro greens. From planting to harvest you’re looking at anywhere between 2-4 weeks. Microgreens are...

How to grow your own microgreens

Nicki Mckay

If you want an endless supply of greens the simplest thing to do is grow micro greens. From planting to harvest you’re looking at anywhere between 2-4 weeks. Microgreens are...

December in our Subtropical Patch

December in our Subtropical Patch

Nicki Mckay

What was growing Front yard mandala We missed the corn as the rain came right when it flowered so pollination was extremely poor, I planted a backup crop but I...

December in our Subtropical Patch

Nicki Mckay

What was growing Front yard mandala We missed the corn as the rain came right when it flowered so pollination was extremely poor, I planted a backup crop but I...

Best raised bed for your Veggie Garden in Australia

Best raised bed for your Veggie Garden in Austr...

Nicki Mckay

What type of material should you build garden beds for growing food. Often we are asked what type of raised bed we prefer to use in our suburban patch. There...

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Best raised bed for your Veggie Garden in Austr...

Nicki Mckay

What type of material should you build garden beds for growing food. Often we are asked what type of raised bed we prefer to use in our suburban patch. There...

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