Organic Gardening Tips

New Chickens and why we went for hybrids
This week we welcomed our new girls to the run. Say hello to Honey & Soy - our new hybrid layer Lohmann Brown and Australorp. After almost 18 months...
New Chickens and why we went for hybrids
This week we welcomed our new girls to the run. Say hello to Honey & Soy - our new hybrid layer Lohmann Brown and Australorp. After almost 18 months...

Raising Day Old Chickens
When we first got the go ahead with approval from our landlords that we could get chickens I got super excited and started researching what was the best way to...
Raising Day Old Chickens
When we first got the go ahead with approval from our landlords that we could get chickens I got super excited and started researching what was the best way to...

When backyard chickens attack
We recently added some backyard chickens to our garden and we've been loving having a supply of fresh eggs and fertiliser which is fantastic. We're easily saving $60 a month...
When backyard chickens attack
We recently added some backyard chickens to our garden and we've been loving having a supply of fresh eggs and fertiliser which is fantastic. We're easily saving $60 a month...

Our first broody hen and the day old chick surr...
If you've been following us for a little while, you will know how excited we we're to get approval of our rental for chickens after our previous landlords rejected our...
Our first broody hen and the day old chick surr...
If you've been following us for a little while, you will know how excited we we're to get approval of our rental for chickens after our previous landlords rejected our...

Our awesome Chicken Coop
I shared my Chicken Coop pics on instagram but I thought I'd write a post with a series of images because we're super happy with the end result. If you've...
Our awesome Chicken Coop
I shared my Chicken Coop pics on instagram but I thought I'd write a post with a series of images because we're super happy with the end result. If you've...

Chicken Envy
Our house sits on the side of a hill, which basically gives use a pretty 'nice' view into our surrounding neighbours backyards. Particularly around this time of year as the...
Chicken Envy
Our house sits on the side of a hill, which basically gives use a pretty 'nice' view into our surrounding neighbours backyards. Particularly around this time of year as the...