Organic Gardening Tips

How to stop caterpillars eating all the things
Nothing worse then waiting ages for something to be ready to be picked only for it to be destroyed by caterpillars. You'll most commonly see your kale, broccoli, cabbages being...
How to stop caterpillars eating all the things
Nothing worse then waiting ages for something to be ready to be picked only for it to be destroyed by caterpillars. You'll most commonly see your kale, broccoli, cabbages being...

Raising Day Old Chickens
When we first got the go ahead with approval from our landlords that we could get chickens I got super excited and started researching what was the best way to...
Raising Day Old Chickens
When we first got the go ahead with approval from our landlords that we could get chickens I got super excited and started researching what was the best way to...

Summer Garden Update - December 2017
The first day of Summer we welcomed a new family member to the Love of Dirt family. Little Isaac was welcomed to the world on the 1st of December. So...
Summer Garden Update - December 2017
The first day of Summer we welcomed a new family member to the Love of Dirt family. Little Isaac was welcomed to the world on the 1st of December. So...

How much I saved by growing my own – December 2017
Each month I report on how much money we’re saving by growing our own organic produce. You can read about our previous months here. Why am I doing this? Well...
How much I saved by growing my own – December 2017
Each month I report on how much money we’re saving by growing our own organic produce. You can read about our previous months here. Why am I doing this? Well...

Things I wish I knew before starting my vegetab...
It can be incredibly easy to setup a vegetable garden and wonder what the hell is the point. You may find that nothing grows well, your harvests are too small...
Things I wish I knew before starting my vegetab...
It can be incredibly easy to setup a vegetable garden and wonder what the hell is the point. You may find that nothing grows well, your harvests are too small...

When backyard chickens attack
We recently added some backyard chickens to our garden and we've been loving having a supply of fresh eggs and fertiliser which is fantastic. We're easily saving $60 a month...
When backyard chickens attack
We recently added some backyard chickens to our garden and we've been loving having a supply of fresh eggs and fertiliser which is fantastic. We're easily saving $60 a month...

Tips for growing abundant herbs
Ever wondered how to keep your herbs looking lush and mouth watering? Aside from making sure your soil is in tip top shape, here are my tips for making sure...
Tips for growing abundant herbs
Ever wondered how to keep your herbs looking lush and mouth watering? Aside from making sure your soil is in tip top shape, here are my tips for making sure...

Gift ideas for Gardeners
The countdown is on to Christmas and whilst traditionally our family opts for experiences over things, we do also like gifts that are useful (not just for gift giving sake)....
Gift ideas for Gardeners
The countdown is on to Christmas and whilst traditionally our family opts for experiences over things, we do also like gifts that are useful (not just for gift giving sake)....

How much I saved by growing my own - November 2017
Each month I report on how much money we’re saving by growing our own organic produce. You can read about our previous months here. Why am I doing this? Well...
How much I saved by growing my own - November 2017
Each month I report on how much money we’re saving by growing our own organic produce. You can read about our previous months here. Why am I doing this? Well...

Spring Garden Update - November 17
Even though it's still spring here, summer has well and truly arrived. We're already seeing the bugs and the damage from the heat if you're keeping on top of watering....
Spring Garden Update - November 17
Even though it's still spring here, summer has well and truly arrived. We're already seeing the bugs and the damage from the heat if you're keeping on top of watering....

Summer Garden Planning
Ah summer in a sub-tropical garden. Hot, humid, afternoon storms and pests galore. Whilst the rest of the world rejoices summertime in their garden, Summer can be super difficult in...
Summer Garden Planning
Ah summer in a sub-tropical garden. Hot, humid, afternoon storms and pests galore. Whilst the rest of the world rejoices summertime in their garden, Summer can be super difficult in...

Our first broody hen and the day old chick surr...
If you've been following us for a little while, you will know how excited we we're to get approval of our rental for chickens after our previous landlords rejected our...
Our first broody hen and the day old chick surr...
If you've been following us for a little while, you will know how excited we we're to get approval of our rental for chickens after our previous landlords rejected our...

How much I saved by growing my own - October 2017
Each month I report on how much money we’re saving by growing our own organic produce. You can read about our previous months here. Why am I doing this? Well...
How much I saved by growing my own - October 2017
Each month I report on how much money we’re saving by growing our own organic produce. You can read about our previous months here. Why am I doing this? Well...

Spring Garden Update - October 17
Finally we've seen some rain this month (I think we've caught up for the entire year). Everything is thriving since the rain and finally our dust bowl backyard has grass...
Spring Garden Update - October 17
Finally we've seen some rain this month (I think we've caught up for the entire year). Everything is thriving since the rain and finally our dust bowl backyard has grass...

Egg shells in your veggie patch
For years we used to just throw full egg shells into our compost bin and when distributing the compost to our garden they'd pretty much be fully in tact. I'd...
Egg shells in your veggie patch
For years we used to just throw full egg shells into our compost bin and when distributing the compost to our garden they'd pretty much be fully in tact. I'd...

Vegetables to grow for beginner green thumbs
Subscribe to the podcast below Some plants are easier to grow than others and when you're starting out there is nothing that is going to kill your dreams then a...
Vegetables to grow for beginner green thumbs
Subscribe to the podcast below Some plants are easier to grow than others and when you're starting out there is nothing that is going to kill your dreams then a...