What I am planting in my Veggie Patch - April Sub-Tropical Climate

What I am planting in my Veggie Patch - April Sub-Tropical Climate

autumn-garden-plan So Autumn is one of my favourite seasons, not only because my birthday is in Autumn, but because I can actually start getting stuck into my garden again. In the summer time in South East Queensland, Australia, the veggie patch is pretty much a waste of time. It's too hot, humid and the pests & diseases take over. You can read my post about it here and here. I know I say it every year, but next year, I am just doing a green crop and resting my beds. Perhaps a sweet potato & some corn, but that's it! Ok, you can see I am not going to rest my beds. So moving forward, I am excited to get stuck in for my winter season and over the coming weeks I am planning on planting out a bunch of plants, I'll start them off by seed but here is my general gist. I've spent some time putting together my plan of attack, which looks straight forward but I've strategically chosen plants based on a mix of square foot gardening (maximising my small space) and companion planting. My strategy is to plant enough for us so I'll be planting just enough seeds, rather than buying half a dozen plants that I wont use (or actually that I'll try to jam in and nothing will grow very well).

Plot 1

  • Beetroot
  • Carrots
  • Radish
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach or Swiss Chard or Silver beet

Plot 2

  • Tomato - Roma or San Marzano or Mortgage lifter (no more cherries!!!)
  • Parsley
  • Spring Onions
  • Celery
  • Lettuce

Plot 3

  • Dwarf Beans
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Dill
  • Asian Greens
  • Broccoli

Plot 4 (trellis)

  • Zucchini
  • Peas
  • Lettuce
I'd love to hear what you are planting for your winter crops! Or if you have any suggestions to my plan of attack!
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