Zero waste plant propagation
With the recent move it became apparent how many seedling pots I actually use!
I am not proud of the fact that most ended up in landfill, and moving forward I am more mindful about where I source my plants from and the packaging that they come in.
This basically means I either raise my own plants via seed or I head to my local markets where there is a vendor who sells seedlings straight from the plug wrapped in newspaper.
After doing a huge cull of those plastic pots just before we moved, I found my propogation supplies were low, so I looked towards the different things I could use that would work well for the seedlings and also be waste free.
The options I am working with right now include making my own pots reusing newspaper/paper, trays and jiffy pots.
I have in the past attempted egg cartons and toilet rolls, I find the egg cartons are not deep enough and dry out way too quickly, and the toilet paper rolls are way too thick that I have to unravel them before planting. Both of these options really stunted my plants growth.