What you'll need
- Dried out coconut shells with the top chopped off
- A drill
- String
- Scissors
- Potting mix
- Plants
Enter the power tools
I started by simply drilling a hole using a small drill piece about centimetre away from the top, be gentle as the shell isn't super hard and can crack if you push down too hard.

String it up
I used just a natural Jute string but you could get all fancy with some neon or some natural wool fibres. Cut four equal pieces at double the length you want your pot to hang. I made sure I had extra just in case I wanted to move them around the garden. Thread your string through your pre-drilled holes and until it's about halfway though then tie a knot at the top of the shell. Do this to all your holes.
Fill 'er up
Make sure you use a good quality potting mix that is suitable for the type of plant you are planting. Fill the shell up with the potting mix, and put in your plant.