Living in the inner city suburbs I always struggled to see bees around. I did try to find advice from other websites but found that the information provided was only relevant to cooler climates or overseas (with plants that we just don't have). Instead I started looking into what plants I had growing attracted bees to the garden, whilst while living inner city I didn't see many European bees, I did see a lot of native blue banded bees so I made sure I kept planting the things they went for.
Now moving further out in the burbs, closer to more bush land, I definitely see a lot more variety of pollinating insects, and thankfully the same plants that attracted the natives also attract the rest.
So here are my fave edible plants that will bring all the bees to your yard:
Perennial & African Blue Basil
I am sure traditional sweet basil will also do the trick if you let it flower. I love my african blue basil, it looks stunning tastes great and doesn't die when it goes to seed.
Coriander Flowers
I am one of those people who thinks coriander tastes like soap. One way to ruin a dish is by adding fresh coriander. However, I still grow it. For the bees.
Asian Green Flowers
I always let my asian greens go to seed so the bees can enjoy the little yellow flowers. Plus they are great seed producers for the next season.
Loofah (or Luffa)
The flowers on a loofah are absolutely stunning. It's like a pod of flowers and each day a new flower pod opens as the old one drops off. My toddler loves collecting the little pods and they are an absolute favourite with the blue banded bees.
Citrus flowers
I love the smell of a lemon or lime in flower and I am pretty sure the scent brings the bees in.
A firm favourite with the bees.
What are your favourite bee loving edible plants?