Getting your kids into the garden
I kind of liken parenting to gardening, in the sense that it teaches you patience.
Just like you need to patient with a flower about to bloom or a plant to grow, the same goes for kids. Just writing this blog post has taken me about 5 attempts due to kids needing me.
This week I posted this picture on instagram:
This is our 11month old baby having the time of his life with a hose, in the mud, alone right up the back yard. He was having the time of his life (see the kids + garden highlight on my instagram to see it in action).
Someone commented on this picture saying how nice it is to see a kid in the mud, apparently it doesn't happen much anymore.
And it's sad, but it's true.
And this is my husbands doing to be perfectly honest, I normally put him on a rug for fear of an ant or spider bite. I don't think he would have even noticed an ant bite he was having so much damn fun.