My favourite growing season is here!
I love growing food in autumn here in our subtropical climate, it's still warm enough to get some tomatoes in and cool enough to start growing the cooler weather things.
Here are some of my favourites to get started with.
Sugar snap peas
If you've ever bought sugar snap peas from the store you probably are massively under whelmed. Fresh from the garden is a whole other story. Sweeter than a snow pea and less labour intensive than a podded pea. These have to be my faves. Look for the mildew resistant varieties such as Cascadia
I love cauliflower and if you want to get a crop in you have to act fast in our subtropical climate as soon as it starts to warm up towards the end of winter. I look for fast growing varieties such as the Sixty days just to make sure we get a nice harvest and they don't take up too much real estate for too long.
Might sound weird but my kids love broccoli! And I find it so versatile. Stirfries, steamed or even sliced finely raw in a coleslaw.
Swiss chard
Nothing beats the rainbow colours of a good multi coloured Swiss chard. They look great in the garden and you can just harvest what you need when you want it. Plus it lasts well into summer, I've got many years out of some plants.
Asian greens
If you're looking for bang for your buck then quick growing Asian greens are where it's at. Get your soil and position right and you can pump these guys out in as little as 4 weeks.
What's your favourite thing to grow in Autumn?