Why do I keep killing indoor plants?
It's a little combination of things, sometimes neglect, sometimes too much love (oh you can over water cacti!). Poor choice in plant selection (succulents need sun people!). Whilst I love pottering in the garden, I often just forget about the poor indoor plants inside, and they've probably got more work to do providing our house with clean air than any of the plants outside. What ever the case, I need some indestructible types.My one true indestructible plant
Say hello to my friend Zanzibar.
What are some other indestructible types?
Well I've been doing some research and I am going to try a few different varieties and see if I can keep them alive. I'll keep you posted on how I go, but these are a couple that I might give a whirl:- Mother-in-Law's tongue
- Bromeliad (I have zillions of these in the garden so I am bringing some in!)
- Ficus
- Philodendron
- Dracaena